
Eczema in children is steadily increasing. Nearly 20% of pre-schoolers have eczema. It’s a chronic condition with no cure and profoundly affects quality of life. A significant number of kids with eczema also have allergies.

Do you or your child have any of these symptoms?
  • Itchy skin
  • Dry skin
  • Rashes
  • Weeping skin
Have you or your child ever been allergy tested?

Many patients with eczema have never considered how the role of environmental allergies, food allergies or food intolerances play in their eczema.

Have you used creams regularly but your skin is not getting better?

Eczema can sometimes be complicated by infections such as bacterial infections of the skin. food allergies, envionmental allergies or contact allergies may also co-exist.

Have you have your eczema management reviewed?

If you would like to review your eczema control, ensure you have the correct maintenance regimen, exclude whether an allergy may be preventing your skin from recovering then make an appointment with our Doctors.

Here's how we can help:
  1. Firstly by seeing a trained Doctor we can review your eczema control, assess for complications such as infection or the possibilities of allergies.

  2. We can start by helping you avoid triggers or allergens and discuss eczema management plans including instructions on how to perform wet dressings or anti-bacterial baths.

  3. We can consider how other specialists may be needed in your treatment plan.

  4. We can offer a functional perspective on management of eczema starting with gut health and food triggers.

  5. We can look after your skin long term and ensure you don’t suffer from complications of any of your medications such as steroid creams.

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    Preferred Location

    Bella Vista
