
Pollen Allergy

What is pollen? Pollen is a very fine powder that is produced and released by plants (trees, weeds, flowers, grasses) to fertilise other plants of the same species. Pollen is typically dispersed in the wind, but can also be transported from plant to plant by birds and insects. What is a pollen allergy? Pollen consists […]

Anaphylaxis and the Adrenaline Epipen ®

Anaphylaxis Allergic reactions can be localised or generalised, and range in acuteness from mild to severe. It is not surprising therefore, that not all allergic reactions are treated in the same way. The most appropriate method for treating an allergic reaction is dictated by the severity of an individual’s symptoms(ASCIA, 2015b). A mild to moderate […]

Vitamin D and Food Allergy

A topic of great discussion at this year’s 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, was identifying the drivers behind the current food allergy epidemic in Australia. Australia has one of the highest rates of food allergy in the world, with approximately 10% of infants having a diagnosed food allergy (Allen, […]

Mould Allergy

Moulds are microscopic fungi, which unlike plants, are unable to produce their own food from sunlight and air. They are made up of clusters of filaments, and live on plant and animal matter, which they decompose for their nourishment. Moulds are among the most widespread living organism, with many different varieties. Many mould reproduce by […]

Mould and Yeast Free Diet

Yeasts and moulds are tiny single-celled fungi, belonging to the same biological group as mushrooms. The inhalation of fungal spores is a common cause of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. Some individuals who are highly sensitive to inhaled fungal spores can experience urticaria (hives) and in extreme cases anaphylactic reactions, after ingesting foods containing yeasts […]

Nasal Sprays and Management of Allergic and Non-Allergic Rhinitis

Nasal inhalant sprays are commonly recommended for the management of allergic and non-allergic rhinitis. Hayfever nasal sprays deliver medication directly into the nasal passages, where they have a localised effect on the lining of the nasal mucosa. When used properly, nasal sprays can effectively provide relief from sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, runny nose and postnasal […]

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